Trainer DEVELopment
Aspiring Trainer
Are you interested in becoming a PC SSBS Trainer? We have developed a passport to guide your skill and professional development to enter the Trainer program. The process starts as a Mentor, Developing Trainer, T1, T1 Advanced Educator (for educators from other regions), T2, and Master Trainer/T3. If you meet the minimum criteria, take a look at the Training Passports and share your interest with the Training Manager.
Dev Trainer/T1 Passport
T1 Advanced Educator Passport
T2 Passport
Master Trainer Passport
Trainer’s Training
Trainer’s Training is essential and mandatory to continue as an active trainER and lead training clinics. Completion of the Online Safety quiz is highly recommended prior to attending Trainer’s Training.
There are 3 pathways outlined for Trainer’s Training Development.
TrainER Workshops: Current T1-T3 TrainER Only Sessions (Required PAID TrainER Training)
Train the TrainER: Current TrainER Only and for those currently enrolled in the Trainer Development program. See your local Training team with questions.
Trainer Development (Trainer DEV): Mixed Groups of Aspiring Trainers, & Current TrainERs. Designed for those looking for personal improvement at high level. L3+ or high experience L2 pre-approved.
Trainer Development clinics are in the clinic signup on
Click the button above to fill out the form digitally. Then save and email to Colleen @