Crossover Opt-In for Priority

As an instructor with a dual cert, you have the option to add points to your priority base score …

Due to your dual Ski and SB certs, you are able to teach either ski or snowboard lessons, and you have additional priority points and pay. As a dual cert, you have the opportunity to opt in to additional points.

Opting - in to the Crossover Points means the Private Lesson Admin and Supervisor Team can assign you to a lesson on your alternate discipline up to 5pm the night before the lesson, without asking for your OK. You will still be scheduled for and booked on your primary discipline first, and the alternate discipline used when the business needs dictate.

Visit the RnG for more information on the Priority Calculation

To Opt-In to the Crossover Points, please complete this simple form by Friday February 18th. Anyone who opts in to the Crossover Points will have their priority updated on 2/20/2022.