This Quick Reference Guide is intended to provide key information from the Ski & Snowboard School Procedures.
Ski & Snowboard School employees are responsible for reading and understanding the full SOP.
Key SOP Takeaways
Advanced reservations are required for all lesson types.
Guests and instructors must wear a face covering for the duration of the lesson.
Maintain at least 6 ft (2m) of physical distance from guests and other employees including during the lesson intro, parent conferences, etc.
You may momentarily come into close proximity to guests only when necessary (e.g. helping a fallen guest, equipment/clothing adjustment, injury, when following Kids on Lifts Procedures).
Guest Health Screening
SSBS lesson participants must complete a self-health
screening each day of the lesson and prior to beginning
their lesson.
Guests will receive a link to the screening form prior to
their lesson which will be verified at check-in.
Prior to beginning the lesson, ask the guest if they
successfully completed the health screening.
If they have not completed the screening, direct them
to their email, the website, a QR code or ask your
manager or supervisor for assistance.
Check-in and lesson meeting areas will be located
Only lesson participants are permitted in SSBS areas.
Prior to the start of the lesson and throughout the day,
remind guests of COVID-19 protocol including face
covering and physical distancing requirements.
Limitations to Lesson Offerings
All lessons are limited to a maximum of 7 people (6 guests and 1 instructor).
5-6 year olds: may participate in specific small group or private lessons
(restrictions apply to private lessons).
3-4 year olds: may participate in specific one hour private or standard private lessons (restrictions apply to private lessons.
During lunch or breaks, you must eat or drink at least 6 ft (2 m) apart from other employees and guests including children and adults in their group or private lesson.
Lift Riding
When teaching adults, follow Company lift riding procedures and maintain physical distance on lifts, unless the guest requires assistance (e.g. learning to ride the lift for the first time).
When teaching children, follow existing Kids on Lifts Procedures.
Exception: Children are not permitted to ride with an unrelated member of the public.
Children’s Ski & Snowboard School Requirements
Children in group lessons are considered a cohort and permitted to ride chairlifts, eat lunch and take breaks without maintaining physical distance when not feasible.
When feasible (e.g. outdoors during group lesson activities), children should maintain physical distance.
Provide each child with a report card or direction to EpicMix Academy at the end of each lesson.
Kids Group Lunches
Lunch facilities and times may be adjusted to due capacity limitations and physical distancing requirements.
Children must sanitize their hands before eating.
Lunch facilities and restrooms must be monitored for capacity and physical distancing.
Wash or sanitize your hands after receiving a cash gratuity.
Instructor Check Out
Use your own pen during check out or clean and disinfect between use.
Drop your time card or class list in a designated area instead of handing directly to a supervisor.
Speak Up!
If something is Unsafe or a hazard is recognized
Contact local Health and Safety
Call Ethics and Compliance
Email Ethics and Complicance