Step 3: Daily TrainER Availability - SNOWBOARD
2024/2025 Season
To meet your preferred schedule status, select a combination of days from the TrainER and Teaching Schedule Request forms to meet the parameters for your status request. Multiple clinics are offered per day so pick the days that work for you.
Instructor Status Selections:
PT18: minimum 10 retail days
PT32: minimum 21 retail days
PT4: minimum 40 retail days
FULL TIME: minimum 40 retail days
Blue = Available Trainer Days
Green = Selected Schedule Day
Before Submitting the cart, check your cart to make sure there are no duplicate dates.
You can filter the cart by Month to make it easier!
If you find yourself in two paces at once, click on the X at the end of the row to delete one the duplicate days.
Click on the cart icon
Click the X to the right of that day
Click Return to Calendar
Click on the Cart Icon
Click the Check Out button at the bottom.
Follow the process through to Purchase
Note: You will be asked your shipping address, but you will not be asked to provide payment information.
After you complete checkout, you will see an Order Summary page and will also receive an email confirmation that your schedule request has been successfully submitted
Note: If the cart fails to submit when you try to check-out, it is most likely because a day became “full” while you were adding days. Scroll to the bottom of the cart where you will find the information on which day to remove from your cart.